What is Reconstruction Post Skin Cancer Surgery?
Reconstruction post skin cancer repairs the defect left behind after a skin cancer lesion has been removed previously without the wound area being cosmetically reconstructed at the time of the initial surgery.
Reconstruction post skin cancer Surgery Quick Summary
There are different techniques undertaken for reconstruction post skin cancer surgery. Each is determined by the location and condition of the wound site and can include one or more of the following:
- Skin flaps which are most common for post skin cancer facial reconstruction
- Skin grafts
- Bone grafts
- Cartilage grafts
- Tissue expanders
Where is it done? Your reconstruction post skin cancer surgery will be performed at the brand-new Honeysuckle Day Hospital in Newcastle, a fully licensed and accredited day hospital which specializes in cosmetic surgery.
Length of surgery: The duration of the surgery is dependent upon the complexity and size of the area to be reconstructed.
Type of anaesthesia: General Anaesthesia or local anaesthesia
Day surgery or inpatient stay?: Day Surgery
Approximate cost:
Costs will vary depending upon what is required for your individual treatment as well as the complexity and expected duration of surgery. Dr. Verma will discuss this with you at the time of your consultation and his team will provide you with a detailed cost estimate after your visit.

The reconstruction post skin cancer surgery consultation
Do I qualify for reconstruction post skin cancer surgery?
If you have had skin cancer lesions surgically removed and have not had surgery to repair any defects, you may be eligible for post skin cancer reconstruction surgery.
What to expect during the consultation?
During your consultation, Dr. Verma will examine the area to be reconstructed as well as discuss and establish suitable reconstruction options as well as donor sites. He will discuss your overall health and your suitability as a candidate for the surgery. He will also take a medical history during the consultation and outline the details of the treatment as well as the type of anesthetic and recovery times of both the site to be repaired as well as any possible donor site (if applicable). Photographs will be taken during the consultation which is an integral part of surgery allowing for an accurate pre and post-op record and documentation.
Reconstruction post skin cancer Surgery Procedure
Where will the incisions/scars be?
This will be determined by the location of the wound site to be treated.
What type of Anaesthesia will be used?
The type of anaesthesia used is general anaesthesia. This means you will be asleep during the operation. Sometimes local anaesthesia may be injected into the site of surgery, giving you better pain relief upon waking. Smaller uncomplicated surgery can be done under local anaesthesia.
What are the risks and complications of reconstruction post skin cancer surgery?
With any surgical procedure, there are risks involved and most problems are easily treated and settle with time. Generally speaking, surgery is quite safe as it is sought by healthy and fit individuals seeking improvement in the appearance post skin cancer removal.
General risks of any surgery include excessive bleeding, reaction to any of the medications (including anaesthesia), infection, poor healing or excessive scarring and blood clots in the veins.
The occurrence of such complications depends mainly on whether you smoke, your general health status, how your body heals, as well as your post-operative recovery. Dr. Verma will discuss all risks and complications with you during a consultation, as well as techniques and medications which can minimize risks.
What are the side effects of reconstruction post skin cancer surgery?
Particular risks and side effects related to the reconstruction of post skin cancer surgery include:
- Bleeding of the wound sites
- Infection
- Non-acceptance
- Reduction of loss of skin sensation
- Increase of skin sensitivity
- Scarring
- Unmatched skin color
- Skin discoloration
- Uneven skin surface
- Incisions opening up

Recovery after Reconstruction Post Skin Cancer Surgery
Care of your reconstruction post skin cancers and wounds
You will be provided with detailed instructions by Finesse Cosmetic Surgery with regards to care of your sutures, wounds etc.
Downtime will vary depending upon the size of the surgical site. Lifestyle modifications will be required based around bathing and showering for 2-3 weeks after surgery and avoiding strenuous activity for around 3-4 weeks after surgery to ensure the reconstructed wound site is not stretched or injured.
When will you see results?
Results will be visible after your tissues heal when swelling and bruising subside which may take up to a month. Full results will be visible within 10-12 weeks post surgery.
What will be your follow up schedule?
Dr. Verma will see you one week post the operation and then organize subsequent follow-ups according to how you recover. All routine follow up visits are bulk billed. Revision surgery for any complications carries an extra charge.
Similar to your consultation visit (see above), Dr. Verma will be taking photographs of your reconstructed wound site in order to document its healing during follow up visits.
How long do the effects of reconstruction post skin cancer surgery last for?
Duration results will vary depending upon the type of reconstruction surgery and the location. Dr. Verma will discuss this with you at the time of your consultation.