Ageing of the Face
Our faces are key to how we present ourselves to others and how others view us. They form our very identity. But many men and women find that with ageing, their face does not reflect how they wish to be viewed by partners, family, friends, and colleagues. Ageing results in a tired stressed visage causing the person to appear much older than their age or, more importantly, how they feel.
Ageing in the face causes:
- Lines and wrinkles especially around the eyes, on the forehead, and around the mouth.
- Sagging cheeks and loss of cheekbone definition.
- Excess and sagging skin of the face.
- Flabby jowls.
- Fat bulges.
- Hollows under the eyes.
- Sagging eyebrows and eyelids.
- Deep nasolabial folds (‘smile lines or laugh lines”).
Facial cosmetic surgery is the ‘gold standard’ in correcting these imperfections and dramatically improving the look of the face, with results often lasting years even up to a decade. There are different facial cosmetic procedures which each achieve different results. Surgeries such as brow lift, eyelid surgery, mid-face lift or a full-face lift can be used individually or in combination, depending on the areas to be targeted and the degree of ageing in the face. Non-surgical cosmetic procedures are also often used alongside these to give optimal results.
Brow Lift Surgery
Brow lift (also known as Browpexy or forehead lift), addresses issues associated with ageing in the forehead and brow area. Such issues include:
- Drooping eyebrows.
- Deep frown lines or furrows between eyebrows which give a scowling appearance.
- Wrinkles and in the forehead.
- Hooded skin over the upper eyelid.
Brow lift involves removing excess skin, tightening the remaining skin and muscles to improve the shape and position of the eyebrows, as well as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and smoothening the forehead. This results in a fresher, more relaxed and more youthful appearance.

Brow Lift Surgery Quick Summary
What is brow lift surgery: Brow lift surgery involves removing excess skin, tightening the remaining skin and muscles to improve the shape and position of the eyebrows, as well as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and smoothening the forehead. This results in a fresher, more relaxed and more youthful appearance.
Where is it done: Your brow lift surgery will be performed at the brand-new Honeysuckle Day Hospital in Newcastle, a fully licensed and accredited day hospital which specializes in cosmetic surgery.
Length of Surgery: Usually between 1-2 hrs. May be longer depending on which technique is used, the complexity of surgery or if brow lift will be combined with another type of surgery such as blepharoplasty or facelift.
Type of anaesthesia: Local or General Anaesthesia.
Day surgery or inpatient stay: Day Surgery.
Approximate Cost: Varies according to type, complexity, and length of the procedure. You will receive a quote with a cost of the procedure after your consultation with Dr. Verma, tailored to your requirements.
Not sure if brow lift surgery is right for you? Maybe you feel more than one type of cosmetic surgery may be required? Or are you interested in non-surgical ways to create a youthful look?
We advise booking a consultation with Dr. Verma. With his expertise and commitment to achieving the best results for you, together you can create a personalized treatment plan involving both surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments specially tailored to the look you would like to achieve. Call (02) 4001 0511 to talk to our friendly staff and book a consultation with Dr. Verma.
Please also see our list of general FAQs for more details
The brow lift consultation
Do I qualify for brow lift surgery?
Brow lift can be performed on people aged in their early 40s to late 70s. Benefits last for longer in younger patients but results are often more dramatic in the older population. You need to be in good general physical and mental health to undergo surgery and ideally be a non-smoker or amenable to quitting pre-operatively.
Who is a good candidate for brow lift surgery?
The ideal candidate is someone who has realistic expectations of what surgery can achieve and is undergoing surgery for themselves and not for anyone else (eg. pressure from partners or family, undergoing surgery to salvage a relationship or try to procure or keep a job). It is important to understand that cosmetic surgery performed by Dr. Verma is done with finesse, with the aim of giving a subtle but noticeable natural and elegant look.
What to expect during the consultation?
No two faces are the same. After taking a general medical history, Dr. Verma will analyze your face closely and discuss your concerns with you. He will then suggest a procedure or procedures specifically tailored to address these issues, giving you a balanced and natural look. For a true analysis of your face, please avoid wearing any makeup or sunscreen for the consultation. A non-tinted moisturizer can be applied. It is also recommended that, where possible, you bring close-up clear photographs of a younger, more youthful you to the appointment. These images help Dr. Verma understand the youthful contours of your face and the result you wish to achieve so he can adjust your surgery accordingly.
Please note that Dr. Verma will be taking photographs of your face. Photography is vital in the cosmetic surgery experience and allows Dr. Verma to document and share with you your progress pre- and post-operatively. Sometimes these photographs will be uploaded onto our website. The images are de-identified, with birthmarks, tattoos and other identifying features removed. The images are not altered any other way, in order to give a true representation of the likely results. Such ‘Before-After’ images help other potential patients like yourself to decide whether this is the right procedure for them.
Generally, the consultation is your opportunity to ask Dr. Verma any questions or clear any concerns you may have regarding brow lift surgery.
What is the cost of brow lift surgery? What is included?
Cost of brow lift surgery depends on the length and complexity of the surgery. After the consultation, once you have decided you are interested in brow lift surgery, you will receive a quote for the cost of the surgery. This price includes Dr. Verma’s fees (Proceduralist fees) and the cost of follow up visits up to 3 months post-surgery. It does not include hospital and anesthetist costs but an estimate of such costs can be provided on request.

The Brow Lift Procedure
How is brow lift surgery performed? Are there different techniques
There are three brow lift techniques that Dr. Verma can perform depending on what your desired aesthetic outcome is. These are:
- Open brow lift surgery: a long incision is placed in the hairline which allows the Proceduralist more access and better ability to manipulate the tissues, resulting in more noticeable effects.
- Minimally invasive lateral brow lift: The incisions are placed at the sides of your forehead in the hairline of the temple region. This technique focuses on elevating and angling the ends of the brow.
- Endoscopic (keyhole) brow lift: Involves smaller incisions and using keyhole instruments to perform the brow lift. Results are subtler than the open technique.
Dr. Verma has the expertise to perform any of these.
Where will the incisions/scars be?
The incisions for brow lift surgery are placed in and near the hairline and vary in location depending on which brow lift technique is used (see above). These generally fade to form faint white scars, although the degree of fading varies depending on how your skin tends to heal and form scars.
What type of Anaesthesia will be used?
The type of anaesthesia can be:
- Local anaesthesia (where you remain awake but the area of the procedure is injected with medicine, making it is numb so you remain comfortable throughout the surgery. Local anaesthesia also offers pain relief for several hours after the procedure).
- General anaesthesia (This means you will be asleep during the operation and may need to be observed for a longer period of time after the procedure). This is administered by a qualified anaesthetist who then looks after you during your procedure.
- The type of anaesthesia chosen for your procedure depends on the type and complexity of your brow lift surgery.
What are the side effects of brow lift surgery?
Temporary bruising and swelling, numbness in the forehead, headaches, itching and some minor hair loss are normal in brow lift patients. The majority of such symptoms resolve within 1-2 weeks after the operation.
What are the risks and complications of brow lift surgery?
With any surgical procedure, there are risks involved and most problems are easily treated and settle with time. Generally speaking, cosmetic surgery is quite safe as it is sought by healthy and fit individuals seeking improvement in the appearance.
General risks of any surgery include excessive bleeding, reaction to any of the medications (including anaesthesia), infection, poor healing or excessive scarring. There are also risks and complications specific to brow lift surgery such as injury to the nerve controlling facial expression, drooping of the upper eyelid and asymmetry between both sides. Sometimes a thin plastic tube may need to be inserted into the area that has been operated on. These tubes drain any blood and secretions that accumulate under the skin after surgery and help to promote healing. Whether these drains are inserted or not is decided on a case-by-case basis, but generally, they are reserved for those requiring extensive surgery.
The occurrence of such complications depends mainly on whether you smoke, your general health status, how your body heals, as well as your post-operative recovery. Dr. Verma will discuss all risks and complications with you during a consultation, as well as techniques and medications which can minimize risks.
Recovery after Brow Lift Surgery
Care of your face and wounds
You will be provided with detailed instructions by Finesse Cosmetic Surgery with regards to care of your sutures, wounds etc. Any sutures are usually removed in 7 days. After brow lift surgery you may need to wear a ‘post-op garment’. This is a snug fabric mask for your face to be worn after surgery. It reduces swelling and bruising after surgery, helping to minimize pain and achieve better-looking results.
Returning to work takes 10-14 days. More strenuous activity (such as lifting, straining, pushing, exercise beyond a light walk) should be strictly avoided for 4-6 weeks. The majority of the bruising and swelling can take up to a month to resolve.
When will you see results?
Results will be visible after your tissues heal and when swelling and bruising begin to subside, which may take up to a month. Thus, being patient and optimistic is key to recovery after brow lift surgery.
What will be your follow up schedule?
Dr. Verma will see you one week post the operation and then organize subsequent follow-ups according to how you recover. All follow-up visit costs up to three months after the operation are included in the cost of the surgery. Revision surgery for any complications carries an extra charge.
Similar to your consultation visit (see above), Dr. Verma will be taking photographs of your face in order to document its healing during follow up visits.
How long do the effects of brow lift surgery last for?
The brow lift turns the clock back by 5 to 10 years. This effect fades with time and advancing age and a revision is usually required after 10 years. This still makes brow lift surgery the longest lasting treatment for skin ageing compared to other non-surgical alternatives.