The buttock lift is a surgical contouring procedure combined with liposuction and is used to improve the cosmetic appearance of the buttocks by reshaping them.
What is buttock lift surgery?
Our buttocks can start to appear saggy due to the ageing process, genetics, from weight fluctuations due to weight loss and other factors that impact on the skin’s elasticity such as sun damage.
Typically done in conjunction with other body contouring procedures such as a lower body lift, buttock lift surgery focuses on removing excess skin and contouring the buttocks, groin, thighs, and abdomen. It can often include the injecting of fat removed from liposuction from other parts of your body like the tummy or thighs into different areas of the buttocks to create a more rounded and pleasing shaped contour.
Buttock Lift Surgery Quick Summary
What is buttock lift surgery? Are there different techniques?
Buttock lift surgery addresses and removes excess skin and fat from the buttocks. The remaining skin is then stretched, tightened and contoured to create a smoother, more toned appearance.
The surgery is done by an incision that is placed along the lower back extending from hip to hip. Dr. Verma then pulls up the excess skin below the incision which results in lifting the buttocks and then removes that extra skin and fat.
Where is it done?: Your buttock lift surgery will be performed at the brand-new Honeysuckle Day Hospital in Newcastle, a fully licensed and accredited day hospital which specializes in cosmetic surgery.
Length of surgery: Buttock lift surgery is generally about 2 hours in duration.
Type of anaesthesia: General Anaesthesia
Day surgery or inpatient stay?: Usually Day Surgery only, but in some instances, you may require an overnight stay. Dr. Verma will discuss this with you at the time of your consultation.
Approximate cost:
Costs will vary according to the amount of excess skin to be removed and the time duration required for the surgery. Dr Verma will discuss this with you at the time of your consultation and his team will provide you with a detailed quote after your visit.

The buttock lift surgery consultation
Do I qualify for buttock lift surgery?
Buttock lift surgery is not suitable for everyone. In particular, if you are prone to bleeding or have a poor healing ability. Dr. Verma will discuss this with you at the time of your consultation. However, if you are in good health and wish to improve the appearance of saggy buttocks, a buttock lift might be the right procedure to meet your needs.
Who is a good candidate for buttock lift surgery?
If you have good health and your weight is relatively stable, buttock lift surgery can be an option if you are trying to correct any of the following:
- Improvement of the contour and shape of your buttocks after weight loss.
- Have problematic areas of fat pockets around the buttocks.
- Do not respond well to liposuction due to poor skin elasticity related to ageing.
- Your buttocks have become saggy and lost their shape and firmness.
- You have an excess of droopy or soft tissue that extends along the inner/medial or outer buttock region.
What to expect during the consultation?
Dr. Verma will take a complete medical history and discuss your areas of concern. He will then be able to provide advice on the treatment options available and what will be a best fit for you to achieve your desired outcome. During the consultation, he will also take photographs which are a vital part of the cosmetic process to record the pre and post op appearance of your buttocks as well as the healing process.
Buttock Lift Surgery Procedure
Where will the incisions/scars be?
An incision is made along the lower back extending from hip to hip. Dr. Verma will limit the scar length and try to position the scars where they are less obvious, however, it should be noted that buttock lift surgery does leave scars and they may appear more noticeable than anticipated.
What type of Anaesthesia will be used?
The type of anaesthesia used is general anaesthesia. This means you will be asleep during the operation. Sometimes local anaesthesia may be injected into the site of surgery, giving you better pain relief upon waking.
What are side effects of buttock lift surgery?
With any surgical procedure, there are risks involved and most problems are easily treated and settle with time. Generally speaking, cosmetic surgery is quite safe as it is sought by healthy and fit individuals seeking improvement in the appearance.
General risks of any surgery include excessive bleeding, reaction to any of the medications (including anaesthesia), infection, poor healing or excessive scarring.
The occurrence of such complications depends mainly on whether you smoke, your general health status, how your body heals, as well as your post-operative recovery. Dr. Verma will discuss all risks and complications with you during a consultation, as well as techniques and medications which can minimize risks.
What are the risks and complications of buttock lift surgery?
- Raised, red and thickened keloid and hypertrophic scars forming over the healed incisions. Although these scars are unsightly and may be itchy and irritating, they are not a health threat.
- Asymmetry – or uneven shape of the buttocks.
- Numbness in areas surrounding the operating site. This is usually temporary and will resolve over time.
- Skin that does not heal, resulting in the necessity of a skin graft.
- Tightened skin causing restricted movement.
- Formation of a seroma (excess fluid) and collection of blood under the skin around the operating site that may require drainage.
- The possibility of a blood transfusion, depending upon the amount of excess skin that is removed.
Recovery after Buttock Lift Surgery
Care of your buttocks and wounds
You will be provided with detailed instructions by Finesse Cosmetic Surgery with regards to care of your sutures, wounds etc. Following your buttock lift, bandages and dressings will be applied and you will be wrapped in a compression garment. This is to minimize swelling as well as provide support to the operation site during the healing process. You may also need to have excess blood or fluid drained through a small thin tube that is temporarily placed under the skin.
Each individual is different, some will be able to return to work after one week and others after two weeks. Dr. Verma will discuss this with you at your consultation. In most instances, you will be able to return to all your normal activities 4-6 weeks after surgery. You will also need to make some lifestyle adjustments in the healing period after your surgery that will include:
- Not sitting directly on the buttocks for at least 2 weeks after your surgery unless using a donut or inflatable pillow.
- Sleeping on your side or your stomach using a pillow behind the legs to avoid placing pressure on the buttock.
- Avoiding high impact activities for 6 weeks after your surgery.
When will you see results?
Results will be visible after your tissues heal when swelling and bruising subside which may take up to a month, and full results visible within 4 months after surgery.
What will be your follow up schedule?
Dr. Verma will see you one week post the operation and then organize subsequent follow-ups according to how you recover. All follow-up visit costs up to three months after the operation are included in the cost of the surgery. Revision surgery for any complications carries an extra charge.
Similar to your consultation visit (see above), Dr. Verma will be taking photographs of your buttocks in order to document its healing during follow up visits.
How long do the effects of buttock lift surgery last for?
Effects from a buttock lift are quite long and you can expect to retain most of the result for many years after the procedure if you maintain a stable weight and exercise.